Wednesday, November 12, 2014

An End

Is in sight! I'm thrilled to announce that I have less than one hundred pages left to edit in my novel: a little over fifty, in fact. Then it is off for round two of proof-reading from my editor and with any luck, I will be self-publishing by Christmastime! How exciting.

So, if you were wondering what to get me for Christmas, you can buy my book, thus putting a little money in my pocket. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. If you're wondering if I will offer an electronic version, the answer is yes. However, keep in mind that an e-book can't be autographed. So, if you would like an autographed copy, you'll have to message me and we can work out the details.

Now, onto business. Life has been bringing many changes my way in the last few months, during the midst of what is usually one of my favorite seasons. I find myself letting Fall pass me by, however, and am eager for Winter to arrive in all its cool, sparkling glory. All these changes tend to unsettle me and make me focus less on the projects I want to work on and more on things that have no productivity value whatsoever. Case in point: it should not have taken me so long to format this novel. I've had it written for a long time and applied page settings (margins, indentations, etc.) months ago. Pacing chapters and page breaks really shouldn't have taken so long. However, I am the kind of creative person who needs schedule and order in her life. Anyone else like that? You need organization in order to let the creative chaos thrive? Take disorganization, a lack of schedule, and my brain, and what you end up with is hours that are really unaccounted for in terms of productivity. Sigh. If anyone has tips on how to self-organize or schedule, I'd appreciate it. What do you do in order to keep yourself on task?

Ah, well. I'm off to continue formatting and editing. Wish me luck! Perhaps my willpower alone will get me through the rest of this task, scheduled or not.

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